Thought for the Day 8/2/2024

 Friday Tale - A Light Lunch 

One ordinary day, a friend and I decided to grab lunch together. As we sat in the restaurant, enjoying our meal, our attention shifted to our waitress, who appeared to be carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. Sensing something amiss, we decided to inquire about her well-being. 

At first, she hesitated, offering a polite but generic response. However, a gentle persistence on our part revealed a deeper truth. She opened up and shared that she was a single mom facing the harsh reality of not having enough money to cover her electric bill, due that very day. The weight of her struggles was palpable. 

Despite expressing our sympathies, we continued with our lunch, but an undeniable force stirred within us. A sense of compassion and empathy tugged at our hearts, compelling us to help in any way we could. 

I left the restaurant briefly to withdraw some cash, while my friend took the initiative to speak with the manager. Learning about the waitress's situation, the manager affirmed her hard work and honesty. In an unexpected act of kindness, he allowed her to take a break so she could attend to her pressing matter. 

When we returned, we handed her the money needed to settle her electric bill. The transformation on her face was nothing short of priceless. Gratitude radiated from her eyes, and tears welled up as she expressed her overwhelming thankfulness. In that moment, we became bearers of light in her life, providing not only financial relief but also a glimmer of hope and support.

The impact of our actions went beyond a simple transaction. It was a reminder that kindness, when extended at the right moment, has the power to illuminate even the darkest corners of someone's life. As we left the restaurant that day, our hearts were full, knowing that a small act of kindness had made a significant difference in the life of a struggling single mom.

~ Michelle Emery 

Therefore, return to your God,
observe kindness and justice,
and wait for your God continually.
~ Hosea 12:6


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