Thought for the Day 8/30/2024

 Friday Tale ~ Be a Caterpillar 

If you are a caterpillar, enjoy it. Eat all you can eat and love every bite. You will notice that very few creatures have as many feet.

     Because of your efforts and because it is your nature, you will be called by an inner voice to stop eating and build a retreat.

     This is when some caterpillars get into trouble.

     Some worry, become very anxious, and wonder if building a retreat is in their best interest. A few think they have lost their mind and keep eating.

    The rule is, be the best caterpillar you can be until you are called upon to be something different. Build the best retreat that has ever been built.

     You will spend a quite a bit of time in total darkness. A lot of changes will be taking place, but they are all for the best. In time, your retreat will become a pathway of light.

     For reasons that no one can explain, you will emerge from your retreat a completely new creature. You will have lost many of your feet and will have wings.

     Don’t judge the new you or try to return to habits of the past.

     Make the best of having wings. Experiment with them. Fly as high as you desire. You are---and have always been---whole, and growing, learning.

     Some people spend their entire lives trying to be something they are not and could never be. They miss out on life’s greatest pleasures.

~ Dr. Bob Luckin 

I pray that your love may over flow still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment so that you may discover the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and blameless for the day of Christ.
~ Philippians 1:9-10


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