
Thought for the Day 1/17/2025

  Friday Tale - Think YOU are having a Bad Day? F ire authorities in California (several years ago) found a corpse in a burned-out section of forest while assessing the damage done by a forest fire. The deceased male was dressed in a full wet suit, complete with scuba tanks on his back, flippers, and face mask.      A post-mortem test revealed that the man died not from burns, but from massive internal injuries. Dental records provided a positive identification.  Investigators then set about to determine how a fully clothed diver ended up in the middle of a forest fire.      It was revealed that on the day of the fire, the man went diving off the coast, some 20 miles from the forest. The fire fighters, seeking to control the fire a...

Thought for the Day 1/16/2025

P eople often say that motivation  does not last. Well, neither does bathing -  that's why we recommend it daily.  ~ Zig Ziglar   I have not yet reached my goal, and I am not perfect. BUT Christ has taken hold of me. So, I keep on running and struggling to take hold of the prize. ~ Philippians 3:12 (CEV)

Thought for the Day 1/15/2025

D on't carry your mistakes  around with you; place them on the floor and  use them as stepping stones to where you want to go.  ~ Karon Waddell   T each me Your way, O LORD, so that I may walk in Your truth; unite my heart to   fear [reverence] Your Name. ~ Psalm 86:11 (ESV)

Thought for the Day 1/14/2025

T o make a difference in someone's life, you do not have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful or perfect. You just have to care enough and be there.  ~ Mandy Hale   G od put our bodies together in such a way that even the parts that seem the least important are valuable. He did this to make all parts of the body (believers) work together smoothly, with each part caring about the others. ~ 1 Corinthians 12:24-25 (CEV)

Thought for the Day 1/13/2025

I f you can learn from hard knocks, you can also learn from soft touches.  ~ Carolyn Kenmore     B y patience and a calm spirit, a ruler may be persuaded, and a soft and gentle tongue  breaks the bone of resistance. ~ Proverbs 25:15 (Amplified)

Thought for the Day 1/10/2025

Friday Tale - Whose Standards?   W ho is setting your standards for you?   A true story has it that one older man decided to jog around the local high school football field. As he huffed and puffed along, the team was in practice.     The players soon started running sprints up and down the field. The man told himself, "I'll just keep running until they quit." So, he ran. And they ran. And he ran some more. And they kept running. And he kept running until he could finally run no more. He stopped in exhaustion. One of the players, equally exhausted, approached him and said, "Boy, I'm glad you finally stopped, Mister. Coach told us we had to keep running wind sprints as long as the old guy was jogging!"     He was watching them. They were watching him. He was...

thought for the Day 1/9/2025

I f you have something to do that is worthwhile doing,  do not talk about it, BUT do it. After you have done it, your friends and enemies will talk about it.  ~ George W. Blount   W hatever your hands finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going. ~ Ecclesiastes 9:10