Thought for the Day 11/6/2009

You are glorious and more majestic
than the everlasting mountains. Psalm 76:4

Psalm 76 celebrates the justice and strength of God, who "breaks the pride of princes and the kings of the earth fear Him" (76:12). He is truly "glorious," "even more majestic than the everlasting mountains" (76:4). The word translated here as "glorious" means, literally, "lighted up" or "shining". God's glory glows even more stunningly than the mountains at sunset.

The mountains are not there simply to impres us with their own glory. Rather they point to the One who made them, whose magnificence exceeds them beyond all measure. No doubt, God has given us the wonders of the natural world to delight us. Yet these gifts also serve to remind us of the even greater wonder of the Creator.


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