Thought for the Day 4/21/2014

His Name is Jesus
In Genesis - the seed of the woman,
   Exodus - the Passover Lamb,
       Leviticus - atoning sacrifice,
           Numbers - the smitten rock,
               Deuteronomy - the prophet,
                        Joshua - the captain,
                             Judges - the deliverer,
Ruth - the redeeming kinsman,
     Kings - the ruler,
        Nehemiah - the restorer,
            Esther - the advocate,
                Job - the redeemer,
                      Psalms - the shepherd,
                             Proverbs - wisdom,
                                 Ecclesiastes - the goal,
Song of Solomon - the groom,
    Prophets - coming Messiah
         Gospels - the Son of God,
              Acts-the risen one,
                   Epistles - head of the Church,
                           Revelation - the Worthy One

According to his great mercy, God has caused us  
to be born again to a living hope through  
the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.    
-1 Peter 1:3 (ESV) 

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