Thought for the Day 1/3/2020

Friday Tale - Tiny Stories with Great Meanings:

{1}     Once all villagers decided to pray for rain, 
on the day of prayer all the people gathered, 
but only one boy came with an umbrella.
           That's FAITH

{2}    When you throw a baby in the air,
she laughs because she knows you will catch her.
           That's TRUST

{3}    Every night we go to bed, without any assurance
of being alive the next morning
but still we set the alarms to wake up.
           That's HOPE

{4}    We plan big things for tomorrow in spite
of zero knowledge of the future.
           That's CONFIDENCE

{5}    We see the world suffering,
but still we get married and have children.
           That's LOVE

Have a good week and live your life with
Faith, Trust, Hope, Confidence, and Love.
~ Unknown

Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in Him, and He will act.
~ Psalm 37:5

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