Thought for the Day 11/6/2020


 Friday Tale - Thought Travel

 There are so many places you can go in your mind. Go somewhere positive and empowering.

 You can explore any trail of thoughts you wish to think. Make those thoughts inspiring, uplifting, encouraging.

 You're thinking about one thing or another all the time. Put those many thoughts to good use.

 Your thoughts have much to do with the things you notice, how you feel,  and what you do with each valuable moment. 
Choose thoughts that serve you, and your world, best.

Whatever you dwell on in your thoughts is what takes center stage in your awareness.
With every thought, you have the opportunity to send your life

in a more positive, fulfilling direction.
Your thoughts have great influence, and what you think is up to you.

Choose with care, with purpose, with love.
~ Ralph Marston

The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace,
because he trusts in You.
~ Isaiah 26:3


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