Thought for the Day 9/23/2022

Friday Tale - And Then Some 

retired business executive said it, “I discovered at an early age that most of the differences between average people and top people could be explained in these three words - “and then some.” By the phrase “and then some,” he meant people were more thoughtful of others, they were more considerate - “and then some.” They met their obligations and responsibilities fairly, squarely, on time - “and then some.”

      Of the many quotes made by the late World Heavyweight Boxing Champion, James J, Corbett, during his colorful career, one was preeminent. When asked by a reporter what was most important for a man to become a champion, Corbett replied, “Fight one more round.”

      This was Jim Corbett’s way of saying, “and then some.”

      You remember that the Lord Jesus asked his followers the test question, “What do you more than others?”

      We have our heroes and we find that most of these who have excelled could be identified by the three words, “and then some.”

      Thomas Edison, seeking a proper filament to light his incandescent lamp, failed month after month; but one day his efforts were successful. The world was presented with the electric light. He knew the meaning of “and then some.”

      S.N. Behrman, one of America’s outstanding playwrights, turned out manuscripts for eleven years before he finally sold his first play - “and then some.”

      Fannie Hurst wrote more than 100 stories before one was ever accepted - “and then some.”

      Somerset Maugham was a failure for ten years, earning five hundred dollars in all that time. A producer hard put for a play dug out the forgotten manuscript, “Lady Fredrick,” and Maugham became the toast of London - “and then some.”

      We have become computerized workers who are clock watchers. There is no romance in working overtime nor is there any reason we shouldn’t leave on time. But if you measure your performance by the clock, it usually indicates just getting by with the least effort. Personal satisfaction comes when we leave knowing we’ve put forth the extra effort.

      For some unexplainable reason, many projects are successful when someone has felt he could and then he gives it that one more effort - the finest tradition of “and then some.

~ from Positive Thinking e-newsletter

Therefore be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.
~ 1 Corinthians 15:58


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