Thought for the Day 10/14/2022


Thought for the Day 10/14/2022

Friday Tale - You're an Eagle!

Aold folk-story tells of a man who found a baby eagle and released it in his chicken coop. The eagle learned to scratch for corn and seeds, to strut like a rooster and to sleep in the hen house. It soon decided it must be a chicken.

    Concerned that it had not learned to fly, the man repeatedly pitched the bird into the air, but each time it fluttered to the ground and raced to the safety of the hen house. He then thought to return the eagle to its roots and climbed the high mountain where he first discovered the young bird.

    As the creature surveyed its new surroundings, something awoke within. A deep stirring told the bird it was made for the skies. It was created to soar over land and water. It was born to be free. With wings outstretched, the noble bird took flight. That day it truly became an eagle.

    Like the eagle, we’re born to be free. But too often we content ourselves with living in the chicken coop. Fenced-in by fear or guilt, cooped-up by problems, we never learn to soar. And no amount of clucking and scratching will remove the ever-present chicken wire.

    Perhaps some have lived in the coop for so long they’ve decided they must really be chickens. They have resigned themselves to problems they, in actuality, can soar above if only they would remember who they are - magnificent eagles.

    Thanks to medical science, humans live longer than ever before. But what does it profit one if one simply chooses to live longer in the chicken coop?

~ Unknown

Jesus also, so that he might sanctify the people through his own blood, suffered outside the gate. SO, let us go out to him outside the camp, bearing his reproach. For here we do not have a lasting city, BUT we are seeking the city which is to come.

~ Hebrews 13:12-14

Maritta Terrell
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