Thought for the Day 2/10/2023

 Friday Tale - Being Nice

Years ago, in a “Dennis the Menace” cartoon strip, Dennis and his buddy, Joey, are walking away from the Wilson’s house with both hands full of cookies.

 Joey reflected, “I wonder what we did to deserve this?” 

Dennis delivered a truth-filled answer. “Look, Joey, Mrs. Wilson gives us cookies, not because we’re nice, but because she’s nice.” 

What Dennis said of Mrs. Wilson can be said of the One who created us. The good which comes our way is not payment for being good, because sometimes we have not been goo. God is good to us because God is good. 

This is called grace which means unmerited, undeserved favor and kindness. 

So the next time something good comes your way, say, “Thank you, Lord.”
~ Steve Goodier 

Whoever is kind to the poor, lends to the LORD, 
and He will reward them for what they have done.
~ Proverbs 19:17


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