Thought for the Day 10/18/2024

 Friday Tale - An Ordinary Rock? 

A closed mind stumbles over the blessings of life without recognizing them. 

    To the untrained eye, a geode looks pretty much like an ordinary rock. But a trained geologist knows that inside the geode there is a beautiful crystal lining. The story is the same for those who refuse to examine new possibilities because their minds are closed. 

     Life’s greatest opportunities, like the geode, often come in ordinary packaging. Do not allow yourself to become such a creature of habit that you simply go through the motions and let life happen to you. 

      Just taking a new route to work, putting together a jigsaw puzzle, reading a newspaper instead of watching television, or visiting a museum at lunchtime will stimulate your thought processes and may help you open your mind to new possibilities.
~ Unknown 

I ask that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened,
so that you may know the hope of His calling,
the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints.
~ Ephesians 1:18 (BBB


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