Thought for the Day 2/28/2020
Friday Tale - When....
When purpose feels questionable,
And you aren't
Your strength fades
As you waver like
green field's blades.
Feeling so much to
void of feeling,
Crying tear-less
staring at the ceiling,
Trapped in a circle of
promised change,
While realizing you're
poisoned by regret's mange.
There is something you
need to hear
Something to spark
love's pure tear:
Stop trying to run so
You're doing better
than you think you are.
Jesus was sent because
God so loved you:
You matter more than
you think you do.
Stop trying to be this
or that - just be HIS:
Regret is past, what's
important: the future is.
~ Jake Provance
These things I have spoke unto you,
that in me you might
have peace.
In the world you shall
have tribulation;
BUT be of good cheer,
I have overcome the world.
~ John 16:33